Agremote Systems Electric Hoist Control

There are two hoist systems available. One replaces the push / pull cable system and the other is for an air valve operated system.

Push / Pull Hoist System: This system uses a 12-volt actuator drive system to operate the hoist valve rather than the manual push/pull cable. The system is easy to install, use and built to last. It allows operation of hoist with two electric switches, one in the cab and one at the back of the box as well as a wireless transmitter.

Air Hoist System: The air hoist system easily ties into the existing air lines used to manually operate the air hoist. It allows the hoist to be lifted via the remote control transmitter while still allowing hoist to be operated by exiting air hoist switches.

Both systems are easy to install and operate. If you replace your truck it is easy remove and reinstall on a new truck.

It is so easy to use. Anyone can lift or lower the hoist at the push of a button or flick of a switch. Sticky, hard to move cables are no longer a problem. The remote hoist reduces risk of injury to grain handlers because it eliminates the hurry and guess work of running back and forth between the grain chute and truck cab every time you want to lift the hoist. When used in conjunction with the remote grain chute operator it makes it easy for one person to operate both grain chute and hoist from the top of an air seeder or grain bin. This eliminates the need for a second person and can reduce manpower costs.

Remote operation lets you be in two places at once and keeps the operator out of dust and away from augers or other moving equipment. Standing behind the truck using a transmitter to raise the box allows you to see better and avoid spilling grain over the back of the truck or over filling the auger hopper.

This increases speed and efficiency by reducing spills and clean up. You will have peace of mind knowing that you have significantly improved the safety and health environment in the work place for all grain handlers.

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